Res(is)t Around the Clock
Total Running Time: 1:55 hours
Cost: dana (donations)
A collection of yoga nidras for restoring natural cycles of sleep and rest, in response to the exhausting effects of grind culture. They were designed to support energetic balance during various phases of your circadian rhythm: morning wakefulness, mid-afternoon slumber, evening wind-down, nightly sleep, middle-of-night alertness, and early-morning emotional dreams.
1. Awakening with Intention – Arising in the morning with presence and purpose • 14:54 W
2. A Breath of Fresh Air – Finding your breath again in the mid-afternoon • 14.08 N
3. Releasing into Feeling – Feeling your feelings to wind down for the evening • 25:13 N
4. Flowing Freely into the Night – Breathing peacefully into deep sleep • 18:58 S
5. Stars Across the Sky – Letting all things “flow” to drop back into sleep during middle-of-the night awakenings • 20:38 S
6. Safe Dreams – Cultivating lucidity and security to support emotional integration while dreaming • 20:52 S
W = Waking nidra – Practices for transitioning into wakefulness
N = Nidra nap – Practices for any time during waking hours
S = Sleep nidra – Practices for transitioning into sleep